留学生による地域再発見! 南大阪の町歩き第1回
【Purpose of this trip】MAP
Once upon a time,southern Osaka was a place where industry,agiculture and fishery flourished.
Nowadays,companies move to central Osaka or Tokyo,agriculture and fishery dwindle.Southern Osaka lost its glory and vigor, and people are losing their pride.
However,there still are many things they can be proud of. There are also things whichi thei don't know they have. To re-discover and realize what they have, they need foreign eyes. Through the eyes of foreign people, they will see what they didn't see and listen to what they did'nt listen to.
Today's trip is a small experiment for a future project. Rlreign students,a railway company,NPO, university,artists,all join together to find a way to re-vitalize southern Osaka.Enjoy this little trip,and tell us what you enjoyed.
Many foreign tourists,especiaally from western countries,are eager to ecperience exotic local attractions. Unfortunately the tourist infomation available is limited,and most tourists arriving at kansai Airport simply skip this area to go to Kyoto ore Nara. To let them stop by in southern Osaka, much more infomation has to be broadcasted. Terefore, we would like to ask you to write a "travel diary"in your native language to be uploaded in the Internet. When we accumulate such diaries in many languages,we may be able to attract more tourists from all over the world. And then,by seeing many foreign tuorists roaming around in their town, people in the area will realize what they have is not trivial and their pride in it.
桃山学院大学 巖圭介先生 文 より、岸田再構成
9:40 南海 難波駅集合
12:30尾崎 町並み散歩(海、本願寺尾崎別院 他)
15:00泉佐野「旧新川家住宅」 ひなまつり見学
20:00泉佐野駅 解散
桃山学院大留学生(オーストリア、中国、イタリア) 6名
大阪芸術大学 2名
南海電鉄 2名
NGO 1名
ラベル: 旅、写真